Monday, January 23, 2012

Latinos And Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited: Advances And Challenges for Prevention And Treatment Programs

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The one-of-a-kind exploration of effective alcohol prevention and treatment for Latinos-now and for the future!

By the year 2020, the Latino population in the United States will increase to 60 million, making up 18 percent of all residents. Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited: Advances and Challenges for Prevention and Treatment Programs brings into sharp focus how present and future demographic shifts in Latino population are being felt in alcohol programs across the United States. Case studies and in-depth research clearly illustrate the practical steps various culturally competent programs recommend to effectively deal with alcohol use, prevention, and treatment for Latinos.

Alcohol abuse, though rampant in Latino populations, has not received the attention that other types of drug abuse has received, even though the death rates, health problems, and financial costs from alcohol are staggering. Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited presents respected authorities tackling the tough questions about demographics, culturally competent research, and effective prevention and treatment programs. The book provides an up-to-date socio-demographic foundation, then builds upon current research and information to present a clear picture of the needs of various Latino populations for alcohol abuse programs now and in the future.

Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited discusses:

  • the Latino demographic profile—an overview
  • patterns of need and treatment among Mexican-origin adults in central California
  • alcohol abuse among Dominican-Americans
  • the onset of alcohol and other drug use among gang members
  • incarcerated Latinas, alcohol, and other drug abuse
  • rural Latino grandparents raising grandchildren of substance abusing parents
  • alcohol use among Puerto Rican active injecting drug users
  • alcohol and other drug abuse prevention for high-risk youth
  • a case study of a Puerto Rican community in Massachusetts
  • detailed recommendations for prevention and treatment
Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited is a detailed examination of prevention and treatment programs for Latinos, invaluable for substance abuse professionals, social workers, practitioners, and professionals in charge of alcohol prevention and treatment programs.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Problems Faced By Alcoholics

!: Problems Faced By Alcoholics

Alcohol dependence or more commonly known as alcoholism is considered a disorder that can be treated. Despite of the negative effects of alcohol to the body and personal relationships of the drinker, there is still the uncontrollable desire to consume alcohol. It is also considered to be a disease that can be cured. Too much alcohol intake for a long time changes the physiological characteristics of the brain like tolerance and physical dependence. Alcohol abuse can also cause a number of physical symptoms and psychiatric symptoms.

Some of the physical symptoms include heart disease, epilepsy, cirrhosis of the liver, malabsorption, sexual dysfunction and cancer. Long consumption can also lead to damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Womendevelop symptoms faster than men and their symptoms include increased risk of breast cancer, decreased ovarian mass, irregularity of menstruation, and early onset of menopause.

Alcohol abuse can also cause psychiatric symptoms which simply mean mental health problems. The most common symptoms are the anxiety and depression disorder, panic disorder. About ten percent of dementia is related to alcohol abuse. Alcohol dependent women can develop major depression, anxiety, psychosis, confusion and organic brain syndrome. The danger of having psychosis, confusion and organic brain syndrome is that it might be wrongly diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

Social problems also arise with alcoholism which is cause by too much intoxication. There is also an increased risk of committingcrimes such as rape, child abuse, violence at home and assault. Drinking can cause the loss of job because of inappropriate times of consuming alcohol resulting to reduced judgment and foul behavior. When under the influence of too much alcohol, behavior and mental abilities are impaired; therefore people would start to distance themselves from the drinker making him isolated from people. Child neglect, marital conflict and divorce can result from isolation.

Alcoholism is very hard to stop without help because sudden withdrawal from alcohol can cause seizures, hallucinations, uncontrolled shaking, and heart attacks; and can even lead to death. These things happen because alcohol stimulates the receptors of the brain which controls anxiety and fear. With continuous drinking, these receptors reduces in number. As alcohol contains substances with sedative-hypnotic mechanism, one would crave more alcohol to stop withdrawal symptoms.

To be able To stop or quit drinking safely, one should enroll in an alcoholism treatment program. Here, doctors can prescribe medicines that prevent withdrawal symptoms. As one progress through the program, does will be gradually reduced until withdrawal symptoms are gone or tolerable. But still, an ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure, I know just drink in moderation or better yet, do not drink at all.

Problems Faced By Alcoholics

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Friday, January 13, 2012

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